Top 5 Health Benefits of Bay Leaves


What exactly are Bay Leaves?


There are numerous plants with leaves that are known as "bay leaves," but the genuine bay leaf is technically identified as Laurus nobilis. This is the nutrient-dense type mentioned in the article. Several other types of leaves resemble genuine bay leaves in look and fragrance, but do not have the comparable nutritional value. This is a tiny tree that is endemic to the Mediterranean area. Laurel trees were formerly abundant across the area, but fluctuating temperatures have reduced their numbers. However, these leaves have been used in medicinal and culinary applications for centuries.


What Is the Best Way to Use Bay Leaves?


Bay leaves may be ground into a spice and used to flavor soups and stews, although they are most frequently used intact as a flavour in specific Italian recipes. They are either taken from the meal before consumption or used as a garnish. Whole leaves are used very seldom. Bay leaves do not have a wide variety of culinary purposes, but extracts of these leaves have many medicinal benefits. These leaves are also used in aromatherapy and herbal therapies for a variety of respiratory problems.


The Top 5 Health Advantages of Bay Leaves


1.   Improve Digestion


Bay leaves have historically been used to treat indigestion and other stomach-related illnesses. Bay leaves not only provide excellent flavor and taste to meals, but they also assist in relieving stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal infections, flatulence, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. They are  used as a diuretic as well. However, further study on the benefits of bay leaves is required to fully establish their effectiveness in improving digestion.


2. Treat Respiratory Disorders

According to a study published in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, bay leaves exhibit potent antibacterial capabilities. After extracting the essential oil from bay leaves, it may be combined into a salve and administered to the chest to assist relieve different respiratory problems. This may also be accomplished using a warm fomentation prepared from the leaves. Apply it over the chest and let it on overnight. Because of its inherent antimicrobial properties, inhaling the vapor has a similar effect to aromatherapy and may loosen phlegm and remove harmful germs that may be stuck in your respiratory tracts.

3. Decrease Anxiety and Stress

Linalool oxide is often linked with thyme and basil, although it is also found in bay leaves. This chemical, when used in aromatherapy, may help reduce the amount of stress hormones in the body. Surplus stress hormones may be harmful to your health, therefore bay leaves may be able to calm you down and help you stay comfortable even in stressful situations.

4. Reduce Inflammation

Bay leaf includes chemical agents, referred to as sesquiterpene lactones, which are known to combat inflammation by reducing nitric oxide synthesis, which is one of the reasons of inflammation.

5. Improve Heart Health

Bay leaves include rutin and caffeic acid, both of which help the heart function better. These qualities may assist to fortify the capillary walls of the heart and reduce harmful cholesterol levels. Caffeic acid and rutin are two key chemical components present in bay leaves that may benefit our cardiovascular health. Rutin strengthens capillaries in the heart, while caffeic acid may assist in the elimination of LDL-Cholesterol from the cardiovascular system.